Please be advised that our Yahoo Auction (Auto) service will not automatically place bids or update statuses until approximately 5:00 PM JST on March 26th due to necessary updates for the latest Yahoo Auction version.
[2025-03-20][Campaign] Free commission fee for Melonbooks, Amazon Japan, Rakuten and Mandarake. Refer to the announcement on our top page about the detail.


Payment method
We can only accept payments in Japanese yen made via PayPal (email or credit card mode).
Payment schedule
Total payment = First payment + Last payment
First paymentItem price + Commission fee + Acquisition cost
The shortage from First payment will be charged in Last payment
The surplus from First payment will be refunded upon the arrival of all items in the order.
Last paymentShipping cost
Shortage from First payment (if any) + Transaction fee (if any) + Storage fee (if any) + Packing fee (if any)
Commission fee
Total item price (in tax) [JPY]Commission fee
1 - 3000500 300
3001 - 5000500 10%
5001 - 1000010%
10001 - 2000010% 5% + 500
20001 - above10% 5%
Commission fee will be charged for total item price (in tax) in an order.
Acquisition cost
Real acquisition cost is charged.
This is the cost we receive your item from seller including bank transfer fee and shipping cost.
This will be from 0 JPY to 1000 JPY usually.
Shipping cost
International Shipping cost to you from us.
Refer to here about the detail.
Transaction fee

[Only for Auto Bid service]
Transaction fee will be [(number of First payment - 1) x 50 JPY].
* In case you pay the 1st payment only at checkout process, the transaction fee will be free.
Storage fee
Storage fee
25 JPY/item per day
will be charged for the following condition.
  • Order exceeds 7 days after we send the invoice of Last payment.
(e.g.) An order has 3 items or auction.
We send the invoice on 1st September.
You pay the Last payment on 10 September.

The storage fee will be 150 JPY (= 3 items * 25 JPY * 2 days).
Packing fee
We will not inform you how many parcels till we finish packing.

Packing fee = 500 JPY * (Number of packed parcels in a packing request - Number of orders in a packing request).

3 orders are packed into 1 parcel -> Free packing fee
3 orders are packed into 2 parcel -> Free packing fee
3 orders are packed into 3 parcel -> Free packing fee
3 orders are packed into 4 parcel -> 500 JPY (=500 * (4 - 3)) is charged
3 orders are packed into 5 parcel -> 1000 JPY (=500 * (5 - 3)) is charged

Added on May 1st 2020
[EMS and International parcel post] Packing fee = 1000 JPY * (Number of packed parcels in a packing request - Number of orders in a packing request)
[EMS and International parcel post] Packed parcel weight >= 10 Kg: Packing fee = (5% of shipping cost) + 500 JPY
[EMS and International parcel post] Packed parcel weight >= 20 Kg: Packing fee = (5% of shipping cost) + 1000 JPY

Estimate actual size and weight [Service ended]
Rquest to get actual W, H, D and weight.
We will email you actual W, H, D and weight after we pack your order(s).
Then you can select your preferred shipping method from your available shipping methods.

* You can't add/remove an order after you requests to pack your order(s).
* You can't cancel this packing request.
* We don't refund this service fee in any reason.

We will charge you 500 JPY as service fee for this packing request in order to get actual W, H, D and weight.
This fee will be chagred for Last payment as Packing fee.